New Jump Swing Omega Blend

Any foods within this nutritional program that are allergenic to the individual or proscribed for religious or philosophical reasons should be avoided. PDN Vegetarianism is the World's Largest Salad Bar! As long as the individual is getting the adequate if not optimum nutrition for the day any choices are allowed. It should be noted however that one can ONLY practice PDN Vegetarianism by including flower pollen within their daily diet. One can obtain this flower pollen through Apiarian nutrition or through Graminex flower pollen. The outer shell of flower pollen must be broken down in order to receive its nutritional value. Bees break the shell down with enzymes from their bodies. Only Graminex uses a enzymatic process to break down their flower pollen.  

Omega-3 fatty acids are polyunsaturated fats, and there are three types: L alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). 

Alpha-linolenic acid is an essential omega-3 fatty acid found in plants that the human body converts. This is considered a slow process and inefficient with human converting ALA to EPA and DHA at a rate of about 5-8%
The NJS Omega blend contains omega 3,6,7 and 9.Equal parts organic macadamia nut oil and organic hemp seed oil. Best used with greens and sprouts
1/2 part organic Rice Bran Oil (optional)
All organic, cold pressed preferred, hexane free.

Sources of ALA

Flax seeds, walnuts, sea vegetation,hemp seeds, chia seeds,kidney beans, Edamame(soy)

FDA finally bans Brominated vegetable oil

Salt & Sodium

Potassium to sodium ratio: 2:1 or higher

Current CDC recommendations for 2/3 of Americans is 1,500 mg. of salt per day 1 gram of sodium/day = 1 teaspoons/day of salt)

For African Americans, people over 40 yrs. old and those with hypertension

2/3 of a teaspoon of salt or less/day

Misconceptions about high blood pressure

Whenever possible, revisions to ones ethnic foods should be made so that the transition to vegetarianism and Veganism becomes easier for both the individual and the people that they live with.


Calculating Your BMI And how to determine if you're at a healthy weight

Body-mass index (BMI) is a good indicator of whether you are at a healthy weight. It does not however, take into consideration fat to muscle ratio.

It is still used by insurance companies, the US Social Security Administration as well as medical facilities.

The US National Library of Medicine says

BMI is calculated by

1-multiplying your weight in pounds by 703,

2-and dividing that number by your height in inches.

3-Then divide the result again by your height in inches.

The agency offers the following ranges for interpreting BMI:

* A score below 18.5 indicates being underweight.

* Between 18.5 and 24.9 means a healthy body weight.

* Between 25 and 29.9 means you are overweight.

* Between 30 and 39.9 indicates obesity.

* A score of 40 or higher indicates morbid obesity.

Using the glycemic index

Using the glycemic index is easy: choose foods in the low GI category instead of those in the high GI category (see below), and go easy on those in between.

    • Low glycemic index (GI of 55 or less): Most fruits and vegetables, beans, minimally processed grains, pasta, low-fat dairy foods, and nuts.
    • Moderate glycemic index (GI 56 to 69): White and sweet potatoes, corn, white rice, couscous, breakfast cereals such as Cream of Wheat and Mini Wheats.
    • High glycemic index (GI of 70 or higher): White bread, rice cakes, most crackers, bagels, cakes, doughnuts, croissants, most packaged breakfast cereals.

You can see the values for 100 commons foods and get links to more at

What are the biggest contributors of added sugars to the US diet? By Elaine Watson+, 29-Jul-2014


Food allergies occur when a sensitive person eats, inhales, or comes into contact with even tiny amounts of foods or food additives. These allergic reactions can be very mild or may be life-threatening.

Food allergies are becoming more and more common. There has been an increase in severe food allergy cases in the last 10 years, mostly driven by peanut and tree nut allergies.

The FDA's food allergen awareness programs currently targets eight common foods that cause serious allergic reactions, including milk, fish, eggs, tree nuts, wheat, legumes (particularly peanuts and soybeans), crustaceans (such as shrimp and lobster), and mollusks (including mussels, clams, and oysters).

The Most Common Food Allergies

 March 2006 issue of the Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology.


In children, the most common food allergies are:

    • Cow's milk
    • Hen's eggs
    • Peanuts
    • Tree nuts
    • Soybeans

    In children, the foods most likely to cause severe allergic reactions -- anaphylaxis -- are peanuts, other legumes, tree nuts, fish, shellfish, milk, and eggs.

    In adults, the most common food allergies are:

      • Peanuts
      • Tree nuts
      • Fish
      • Crustaceans (such as shrimp, crabs, and lobster)
      • Mollusks (such as clams, oysters, and mussels)
      • Fruits(apples,peach,kiwi)
      • Vegetables(celery)

    In adults, the foods most likely to cause anaphylaxis are peanuts, tree nuts, fish, and shellfish.

    Symptoms tend to occur just after eating. They may include reddening of the skin, hives, itchy skin, swollen lips or eyelids, tightness of the throat, wheezing, difficulty breathing, coughing, vomiting, or diarrhea.

    Fruits and Vegetables least and most likely to be high in pesticides


    Apples, Celery, Cherries, Grapes, Nectarines, Peaches Pears, Potatoes, Raspberries, Spinach, Strawberries, Sweet Bell Peppers


    Asparagus, Avocados, Bananas, Broccoli, Cauliflower Corn, Kiwi, Mangoes, Onions, Papayas, Peas, Pineapples

    Medicines Are Biggest Culprit in Fatal Allergic Reactions

    Guideline to Food Labeling

    The USDA green and white Organic Seal means

      • Ingredients were grown without synthetic herbicides and pesticides
      • Not genetically engineered nor irradiated
      • Not fertilized with sewage sludge

    Organic packaged foods have three classifications

    1. 100% Organic-ALL of the ingredients in the food must be organic
    2. Organic-95% must be organic with the remaining 5% coming from an approved list
    3. Made with Organic ingredients-70% organic with the remaining 30% from an approved list.List developed by the National Organic Standards Board
      • CALORIE FREE - Less than five calories per serving
      • LOW CALORIE - 40 calories or less per serving
      • LITE OR LIGHT - 1/3 fewer calories or 50% less fat than normal of that particular food
      • LIGHT IN SODIUM - 50% less sodium than the norm
      • FAT FREE - Less than ½ gram of fat per serving
      • LOWFAT - 3 Grams or less fat per serving
      • CHOLESTEROL FREE - Less than 2 mg. of cholesterol and 2 or less grams of saturated fat per serving
      • LOW CHOLESTEROL - 20 mg. or less of cholesterol and 2 or less grams of saturated fat per serving
      • SODIUM FREE - Less than 5 mg. of sodium per serving
      • VERY LOW SODIUM - 35 mg. or less sodium per serving
      • LOW SODIUM - 140 mg. or less sodium per serving
    • HIGH FIBER - 5 grams or more fiber per serving


    Some of the problematic bacteria you want to protect your family from include:

    E. coli. This bacterium, found mainly in ground beef, causes an estimated 25,000 cases of food poisoning in the United States each year and kills about 100 people. Some people infected with E. coli suffer permanent kidney damage. Contamination occurs during meat processing, when E. coli from the animals’ intestines becomes mixed in with the meat. E. coli contamination has prompted massive recalls of millions of pounds of ground meat.

    Salmonella. This bacterium is found mostly in meat and eggs. But it spreads to other foods, such as ice cream and fruit, when they are shipped with contaminated meat or eggs.A study in the New England Journal of Medicine in 2001 showed how alarmingly prevalent it is: 20% of 200 samples of ground chicken, beef, turkey, and pork contained salmonella. Of particular concern, 84% of the salmonella samples were resistant to at least one antibiotic, and 53% to at least three antibiotics. This means that when animals carry salmonella — and when people get salmonella food poisoning — it’s more difficult to cure than it was in years past.

    Campylobacter. This bacterium is especially common in poultry. Antibiotic-resistant strains are becoming more prevalent because of the widespread use of antibiotics in chicken feed. In a 2001 report in the New England Journal of Medicine, 17% of chickens sampled in supermarkets in four states had Campylobacter strains that were resistant to antibiotics.

    Handling food safely

    You can prevent most cases of food poisoning in your household by preparing and storing your foods safely. These precautions will help kill germs that are present in the meat and eggs you buy and help you avoid introducing new bugs to your food at home.

    Rinse foods. Rinsing can wash off some germs from meat, poultry, and fish and pesticide residues from produce. Rinse all meat, poultry, and fish under running water before cooking.

    Rinse all fruits and vegetables under running water before cooking or serving them.Wash your hands. Frequent handwashing helps prevent you from passing germs from one food to another. Use soap and water to wash your hands each time you handle a raw food. Don’t wipe your hands on a dishtowel without washing them first.Use separate utensils.

    Don’t prepare meat and fish on the same surface that you use for other foods — otherwise, you risk contaminating those foods with bacteria from the meat and fish.

    Use one cutting board for meats and fish and a second one for produce. Be sure to wash the cutting boards with soap and water after each use. Use different knives to cut different foods to prevent cross-contamination.

    Cooking. Cook all meat, poultry, eggs, and freshwater fish. Don’t rely on color alone to indicate whether meat is fully cooked. The USDA recommends that everyone use a meat thermometer. Different temperatures are required to kill off germs in different kinds of meat. It’s also important to cook hot dogs and other precooked meats and fish, to destroy bacteria that may have contaminated them in the processing plants.Use a meat or "instant-read" thermometer to ensure accuracy.

    Here are some target temperatures in degrees from the American Dietetic Association:

    Ground meat products: 160, or until the inside is no longer pink and juices run clear

    * Steak: medium rare: 145

    * Steak: medium: 160

    * Steak: well done: 170

    Poultry thighs, breasts, or wings: 170, or until juices run clear

    Grill meat until it is cooked, but not charred—some studies have suggested that possible cancer-causing compounds (called heterocyclic aromatic amines) are formed when meat is charred. Scrape off any charred areas before you eat the barbecued meat.

    Storing. Don’t leave any foods, before or after cooking, at room temperature for more than two hours (one hour if the air temperature is above 90° F). Put them in the refrigerator or freezer. The temperature inside your refrigerator should be 40° F or below; your freezer should be at 0° F or below. If you have large amounts of leftovers, divide them into small batches when you put them away in the refrigerator or freezer. That way, the temperature of each batch will reach a safe level faster. Keep in mind that freezing does not necessarily kill bacteria; wash meats and poultry thoroughly after thawing, and handle them the same as you would fresh meats.

    Red Meat eating and Breast Cancer

    Red Meat and Longevity

    Leading Causes of Death in the United States 2019-2023

    Health is your greatest Wealth

    Mind and Body Fitness Program for the 21st Century

    Currently this program is available through lecture by Donald Thomas

    copyright 1977,1986,2011


    Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition

    Quality of life of female and male vegetarian and vegan endurance runners compared to omnivores – results from the Nutrition and Running High Mileage (NURMI) Study (Step 2)

    International Vegetarian Union

    Famous Vegetarians-Writers,Artists,Poets and Philosophers

    Position of the American Dietetic Association and Dietitians of Canada: Vegetarian diets.

    All creatures